Thursday, July 29, 2010

Campus Crusade LM

What was covered in crusade LM today was Justified freely. Tim Keller gave a illustration which basically summarises how justified freely help us live a more fulfilling and purposeful life for christ and ourselves. Human beings are like coke machines. Gospel is like coins. Putting coins into coke machine, nothing happens. You have to bang the coke machine, allow the coins to drop out before coke will come out. Many of us are like the coke machine. We must know how to bang it to get the coke. he then covers romans 3:21-28 explaining to us about how righteousness is given to us from God by faith. Philippians 3:9 tells us that righteousness comes from God and is by faith. The faith we know in modern world now is self-righteous. It is meaningless in this world today. Righteousness has now become a Validating Performance Record (VPR) which is something for us to show ourselves worthy and suitable for something( for example- job resumes, academic records to enter university). Many people find things to justify themselves but they get very disappointed when the thing they use to justify fail them. The truth is that God gaves us righteousness as a gift. I do believe that we believe that God's given righteousness and believing it by faith is a key to receiving his righteousness but most importantly to walk in his righteousness we need to spiritually breathe daily- inhale and exhale. We need to confess our sins and acknowledge our wrong doings by inhaling. In exhaling we can do it by surrendering what we have to God and letting God take control of it. This is an interesting and important message we christians need to know to walk right with God and to live for him. We need to know that there is nothing that we can do to make him love us more or justify for our salvation in him. It is about what he has done for us by sending his son to die for our sins which has brought this grace and righteousness to us when we believe it by faith.

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